Jon Steingard of the Christian rock band Hawk Nelson has declared on Instagram that he no longer believes in God. This follows a similar statement in August 2019 by Marty Sampson, song writer and worship leader for Hillsong. Steingard says, “After growing up in a Christian home, being a pastor’s kid, playing and singing in a Christian band, and having the word ‘Christian’ in front of most of the things in my life–I am now finding that I no longer believe in God.” He said that he did not enjoy going to church, reading the Bible, praying to God, or worshipping God, and that renouncing God is “refreshing and a weight being lifted.” These are the words of a man who has professed faith in Christ and played around with the things of Christ without knowing Christ in born again salvation. I didn’t enjoy going to church, reading the Bible, and praying before I was saved at age 23. Steingard said that many of his acquaintances share his doubts. “I am stunned by the number of people in visible positions within Christian circles that feel the same way as I do. Like me, they fear losing everything if they’re open about it.” These hypocrites are using Christ only for personal profit! As for atheism, it is nonsense. There is no such thing. The Creator is written in man’s very conscience and soul. Man knows there is a God and he knows he is going to meet God. The evidence for God is written on the face of the entire creation, from the DNA of the living cell to the infinite starry universe. All bears evidence of breathtaking Intelligent design! The brilliant apostle Paul, who was an enemy of Christ before his supernatural conversion, said that the creation leaves all men “without excuse” (Romans 1:20). In typical “atheist” fashion, Steingard complains on his social media that God should not allow bad things to happen in this world, etc., etc., as if weak little man, who has created nothing, who comes into this world as a helpless infant, who is dependent upon God for “life, and breath, and all things,” can be the judge of his Creator. It is ridiculous. Steingard questions the goodness of God, but the goodness of God was settled forever at the cross of Calvary when the Son of God suffered and died in the place of wicked sinners, thus demonstrating the love of God before the whole creation, irrefutably, permanently, eternally. Steingard asks, “Why does Jesus have to die for our sins?” It is obvious that he has never understood even the ABCs of theology and soteriology. He doesn’t understand the cross, because he doesn’t understand God’s holiness and justice and the wickedness of man’s sin against his Creator. He doesn’t understand the love of God, because he does not understand the awful righteousness of God. What ignorance! Yet he has no shame to reveal his gross ignorance before the world. Of course, such things as God’s holiness and justice are typically downplayed in the world of CCM.
(Friday Church News Notes, May 29, 2020, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)