Genesis 1:22
“And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.”

I like to keep ducks because I love their eggs. Last summer, one of my ducks became ill, with eggs trapped inside her. Despite my best efforts, she died. Scientists believe the same thing may have happened to a specimen of Avimaia. This fossil, dated by evolutionists at 110 million years old, had evidence of an unlaid egg inside it.
You are probably now used to evolutionists referring to therapod dinosaurs, such as tyrannosaurus, as feathered dinosaurs, despite the flimsy nature of such evidence. These therapods are supposed to have become extinct 65 million years ago, having evolved into birds. Yet, birds like avimaia are older than these therapods by 50 million evolutionary years. The best known fossil bird – archaeopteryx – described by Wikipedia as a bird-like dinosaur – is supposedly 150 million years old, yet still accepted as a modern bird by a large minority of evolutionary biologists.
These deep-time ages do not make sense in the light of the creatures’ appearances. For example, the fact that the avimaia fossil has this unlaid egg within it suggests that the process of egg laying has not changed for these birds, which even evolutionists are having to admit must have co-existed with the very type of dinosaurs which supposedly evolved into them.
These problems of dating do not arise when we start from a biblical presupposition. The fossil layers do not represent different eras, but rather different ecosystems which existed in the pre-Flood world.