America’s Sports God Taking a Hit

A Gallup poll released on September 8 shows public devotion to professional sports has plummeted in the last year. “30 percent see the sports industry positively, compared to 40 percent reporting a negative image. This year’s survey illustrates a 30 percent decline from American views on the sports industry a year ago, when the corporate sports enjoyed a net positive 20 percent rating, with 45 percent of Americans reporting a favorable opinion compared to 25 percent who said otherwise. Gallup shows sports favorability among Republicans sinking overwhelmingly in comparison to Democrats, with a 46 percent drop in a positive outlook among Republicans whereas Democrats only saw a 5 percent drop in their favorability towards corporate sports in the last year. Non-white Americans also dropped their support for the industry more steeply than did white Americans” (“Gallup: Public Favorability Towards U.S. Sports Industry Has Collapsed,” The Federalist, Sept. 11, 2020).

(Friday Church News Notes, September 25, 2020,,, 866-295-4143)