A Praying Church Today

Northside Baptist Church in Adelaide, South Australia, was founded in 1977 by Ian Western. In 2015, Ian’s son, Simeon, was called to be the pastor. In recently communication with me, he said, “NBC was built on prayer for the Holy Spirit’s power for witness and tireless soul-winning efforts. Repentance and faith were emphasized in the preaching of the Gospel in distinction from some of the ‘quick’ methods that were common at the time. One of the steps I have sought to take, with God’s help, to strengthen the church since becoming pastor is to emphasize prayer. In addition to our regular Wed. night prayer meeting, we now have a prayer meeting before soul-winning on Saturday and a Sunday afternoon prayer meeting at 5pm for an hour before the evening service. We have a weekly prayer chain that runs from 8pm Sat night to 8am Sun morning. People commit to an hour of prayer in their homes in that 12 hour period. We have regular all nights of prayer, about one every two months on average. We divide the night into three-hour segments and have teams come and pray throughout the night. We usually assign a prayer leader and we use a prayer guide. We usually have a key theme we focus the prayer night around (e.g. lost souls, revival, missions).” (This communication was in the context of material I am gathering for the last chapter of our new book The History and Heritage of Fundamentalism and Fundamental Baptists.)(Friday Church News Notes, June 12, 2020, www.wayoflife.org fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)