We received the following report recently: “We are good by God’s grace, but we are still in the midst of the spiritual battle of having a mixed multitude church where most of the members are not really saved. When the church started a few years ago, we were using the Quick Prayerism technique to get people into the church. As a result, we have a church right now where half of the members are not interested in the Word of God, in prayers, in evangelism, and in ministry. It is because these members are not really saved according to the Bible. But we are not backing down in this battle. By God’s grace, we are now seeing life-changing salvation with changed lives. We are seeing some carefulness in the part of soul winners to preach repentance and faith to the gospel of Christ and to patiently wait for God’s salvation. Our pastor is preaching the gospel and repentance every time he preaches for the sake of visitors and unsaved members. I know this battle is far from over. I know we are just starting to go in another direction. As a normal church member, the only thing I can do is just pray and trust God that he would help us in this battle. I always pray for our pastor to have his senses exercised to discern both good and evil for this battle. Also, thank you for allowing me to print your book One Year Discipleship . This will be a great help for us. As the head of our discipleship ministry, my goal is not to be discouraged by some unsaved members but to focus our discipleship ministry on the church members that are saved and are interested in the things of God. I know this is one of the things I can do to win the spiritual battle we are facing.”
(Friday Church News Notes, July 31, 2020, www.wayoflife.org, fbns@wayoflife.org, 866-295-4143)