October 2022

Historic Parental Choice Schooling Law

If this spreads to other states, this type of legislation could have a significant impact in overturning the power of the public school system. The following is excerpted from “West Virginia Supreme Court overturns circuit court,” Fox News, Oct. 7, 2022: “The West Virginia Supreme Court reversed a previous circuit court injunction on the Hope Scholarship

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Our Bacteria Friends

“Scientists are beginning to get a better picture of how digestion works and have identified 500 to 1,000 different kinds of bacteria that live in our large intestine. The human body actually works in a symbiotic relationship with these bacteria–we are their host and provide them with a warm environment while they work to benefit

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Rapture Anxiety

A CNN report in September warned of “rapture anxiety.” The report cites networks of “exvangelicals” “who have removed themselves from what they now view as the damaging beliefs of some evangelical, Pentecostal and Baptist churches” (“For some Christians,” CNN, Sept. 27, 2022). CNN warns of “traumatic religious experiences that can last for years–even a lifetime.”

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Governor Signs “Day of Prayer” Proclamation

“Tennessee’s governor has signed a proclamation declaring Friday, September 30, a ‘day of prayer, humility, and fasting.’ He added that the state needs ‘God’s guidance’ for the future. Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee, a Republican who is in his first term, signed the proclamation last Friday and posted a picture of the document on his social media account,

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Who Owns Science?

“Science is a method that can, in principle, be practiced by anyone. So no one can ‘own’ it. But don’t tell that to the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. The following is chilling: ‘Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary for Global Communications at the United Nations at [World Economic Forum] Disinformation’ event: “We partnered with Google,”

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She Sells Sea Shells

“British comedian Milton Jones tells this one-liner: It’s difficult to say what my wife does for a living. She sells sea shells on the sea shore. However, the famous tongue-twister actually refers to a young woman who never married. Mary Anning was born in 1799 to Richard, an impoverished furniture maker, and his wife, Molly,

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Did Nostradamus Predict Queen Elizabeth’s Death?

According to reports blazing across online news sites and social media, Queen Elizabeth’s death this month was predicted by Nostradamus (real name Michel de Nostredame), a French astrologer and soothsayer who published Les Propheties (The Prophecies) in 1555. It is a collection of 942 quatrains, which are prophecies consisting of four lines of text. Nostradamus’ “prophecies” are

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