February 2020

YouTube Censors Video about Evangelicals Helping Marxists as “Hate Speech”

“Technocracies are increasingly controlling the conversation, censoring particularly impactful videos, posts, and articles that expose leftist schemes to takeover American institutions. This trend is seen most recently in YouTube taking down a video from Christian ministry organization, Worldview Weekend, which focused on the link between Marxists and Muslims and their desire to take control of the

YouTube Censors Video about Evangelicals Helping Marxists as “Hate Speech” Read More »

Church of England Apologizes for Saying Only Married Straight People Should Have Sex

“Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Archbishop of York John Sentamu have apologized for a decree issued by the Church of England which said that only heterosexual married couples should have sex and that sex in gay or straight civil partnerships ‘falls short of God’s purpose for human beings.’ ‘We as Archbishops, alongside the bishops of the

Church of England Apologizes for Saying Only Married Straight People Should Have Sex Read More »

Franklin Graham Banned from Venues in England, Wales, Scotland for “Hate Speech” on Pressure from Homosexual Activists

“A prominent Liverpool venue just canceled American evangelist, Franklin Graham, for preaching ‘hate.’ By ‘hate,’ the ACC Liverpool venue means Graham’s preaching of the Bible when it comes to various sin issues like homosexuality. ACC Liverpool tweeted, ‘Over the past few days we have been made aware of a number of statements which we consider

Franklin Graham Banned from Venues in England, Wales, Scotland for “Hate Speech” on Pressure from Homosexual Activists Read More »

Rewind CO2 to Coal

Job 38:4“Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.” One of the great problems with discussions around the subject of climate change is that it is a scientific issue, whereas the majority of people who comment on it do not understand the basic science. For example, one

Rewind CO2 to Coal Read More »

Father of Texas Boy Whose Mother Wanted to “Transition” Him to a Girl Wins in Court

“On Thursday, a Texas court ruled in favor of Jeff Younger, the father of James Younger, the seven-year-old whose pediatrician mother was attempting to medically transition her son into a girl. Dallas Judge Mary Brown upheld an October decision that gave both parents conservatorship over their child and denied the mother’s request that the case

Father of Texas Boy Whose Mother Wanted to “Transition” Him to a Girl Wins in Court Read More »


Galatians 1:8 “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.” One of the best strategies for overcoming an opponent is to fool the opponent into thinking you do not exist. Then you infiltrate your opponent and make him

Misidentification Read More »