Street Preacher’s Conviction for “Mis-Gendering” Overturned

“A Christian street preacher who was arrested for ‘misgendering’ a member of the public has had his conviction overturned. Dave McConnell, 42, who’s from Wakefield, appealed his conviction at Leeds Crown Court after he was arrested under section 4A Public Order Act 1986 for ‘insulting’ a member of the public in Leeds City Centre in […]

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Wildfires Erase Years of Emissions Cuts

“The raging California wildfires of 2020 created enough carbon emissions to offset 16 years of reductions through the state’s green policies–twice over–according to a UCLA study published by Environmental Pollution. As Breitbart News reported at the time, the wildfire season in 2020 was so intense that smoke from the fires reached cities on the East Coast of the United States.

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Hillsong Leaders’ Shopping would Embarrass Kardashians

It would not be surprising if the Hillsong church empire goes bankrupt. It will be their own heretical, worldly fault, but it is a shame, because the world doesn’t know the difference between true and false Christianity. The following is excerpted from “The kind of shopping that would embarrass a Kardashian,” Premier Christian News, Mar. 10,

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Europe Rejecting “Gender Affirming Care” Model

“It’s hard to believe that I’d ever want the United States to emulate Europe, but it’s finally happened. While the U.S. has gone all-in on pushing so-called ‘gender-affirming care’ for children with gender dysphoria, our friends in Europe have slowly started coming to their senses. In July, London’s Tavistock Clinic, the only transgender clinic in

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Greta Thunberg: Climate Change False Prophet

“Being the international spokesperson for a fake crisis can be tough, as the child actor who acts as the mouthpiece for the climate change industry has just been reminded. On Saturday, Human Events senior editor Jack Posobiec tweeted at pint-sized climate scold Greta Thunberg, ‘Hi @GretaThunberg! Why did you delete this?’ The deleted tweet in question had

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